The Patrol Division is the backbone of the Police Department. As the largest division within the department, Patrol officers respond to all calls for service from the community. They are responsible for handling a wide variety of duties including responding to emergencies, investigating crimes and filing reports, checking out suspicious persons and vehicles, conducting traffic accident investigations, and enforcing all traffic laws. Officers take a very proactive approach to reducing the opportunity for crime and work closely with members of the business community to ensure a safe environment in which to conduct business. Our officers maintain a high level of visibility within the community and work to identify and eliminate those conditions or situations that may be attractive to the criminal element. 


The Patrol Division of the Poplar Bluff Police Department is not only the largest division within the police department, but it is also the most visible. The Patrol Division officers are the first responders to all major crimes & other emergencies in the city. It is their responsibility to respond to every type of call for service that you might imagine. From a prowler or fatal motor vehicle accident, to a murder scene, it is the patrol officer who initially responds & takes charge of the often volatile situations. Due to the nature of their duties, officers within the Patrol Division are required to be the most well-rounded in their knowledge of criminal & motor vehicle laws, civil actions, as well as city ordinances. They are the front line of defense for the city of Poplar Bluff and its citizens.